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Obtain healing and help move forwards in your life with renewed confidence, health and self-worth.

Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) is a very powerful, personal guided meditation that can help you to access your highest subconscious wisdom for the purpose of healing and self-development. It can help you understand many of life’s troubles and allow you to move forwards with renewed confidence and health. During a BQH session you will be communicating with the highest spiritual aspect of yourself- often called your higher self, to obtain the answers to any questions you may have prepared before your session.
These can be about any areas of your life but would typically relate to health, relationships, career, finances, past/future lifetimes, spiritual path or life purpose.
Each session will generally take around 45 minutes to 1 hour to complete, however the healing process is ongoing and may continue for several days or weeks afterwards.

Many people find that their attitude to life and its problems change for the better as a result of receiving Rahanni Celestial Healing. Your body will decide how much of the healing light is required. You do not have to believe for it to work- just have a keen desire to receive and accept the energy.
Book a sessionThe aim is to bring you to a natural relaxed state
During a typical session you will generally start off by picturing some scenes in your mind. The images might start off like pictures or snapshots but just like entering a dream after a while the scenes may start to feel more real and interactive. You may be shown scenes from your current life, memories of childhood, past lives, parallel lives or possible future lives that connect or relate to aspects and issues effecting your life now and may require a certain level of exploration or healing. Everyone’s experience is different and your own higher self is very much in control of the information you receive. You will only be shown and receive information that is for your highest good and is beneficial to your life at that time. You are always in complete control, and you cannot be made to do anything you don’t want to do.

Pictures and snapshots will feel more real and interactive
All sessions are audio recorded and you will be supplied with your recording via a digital download. Most clients usually remember details from their session quite vividly, others may find a discrepancy of time or hazy moments, and a few may have very little to no memory whatsoever of their experience and are astounded when they playback the recording and discover the true extent of their journey! Most people who undergo a session notice a positive change in their life straight away. Other times the healing process may take several days, weeks, or longer. It all depends on the client’s circumstances, soul contracts, life plan and how much healing and inner work there is left to do to complete the process. As your life progresses and you expand upon your learning and experiences, you may wish to come to a follow-up session at a later stage. Here you may wish to re-visit or review aspects of a previous session or maybe ask some entirely new questions with some new intentions.

All sessions are audio recorded and you will be supplied with your recording via a digital download. Most clients usually remember details from their session quite vividly, others may find a discrepancy of time or hazy moments, and a few may have very little to no memory whatsoever of their experience and are astounded when they playback the recording and discover the true extent of their journey! Most people who undergo a session notice a positive change in their life straight away. Other times the healing process may take several days, weeks, or longer. It all depends on the client’s circumstances, soul contracts, life plan and how much healing and inner work there is left to do to complete the process. As your life progresses and you expand upon your learning and experiences, you may wish to come to a follow-up session at a later stage. Here you may wish to re-visit or review aspects of a previous session or maybe ask some entirely new questions with some new intentions.
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