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Why are we here and what really is the point of any of this?

When I was young, I was always curious of the bigger questions to what life is all about. “Why are we here and what really is the point of any of this?” I was raised in a happy childhood home and received a good education at school, but sometimes felt very different from the other children around me. I had very few close friends and mostly preferred to spend time alone- especially when out in nature with the plants, trees and wildlife. I was generally raised a Christian and often attended the local church with my mother and brother. I loved having a belief in ‘God’ and especially enjoyed the hymns and Christmas carols. Other times though, there was something about religion, which made me feel quite ‘restricted’ and a little uneasy being confined to follow certain spiritual beliefs and ways of thinking. I always preferred to ‘go with my gut’ and follow what I felt was right in my heart. I always felt a close connection to ‘God’. But rather than being an external entity who watched and judged every sin or wrongdoing, I preferred to view ‘God’ as a built-in guidance system, a part of me who would support and guide at times of need- but always allowed me the freedom to learn through experience, establish my own spiritual beliefs, and think and explore freely without any restrictions, fear or judgement.

Many years later, after completing school, college and university, I decided to train to become a driving instructor. The job appealed as it enabled me to meet people from all walks of life and help them to gain independence and make a real difference to their lives. After a few years I started to notice a peculiar feeling in the way I felt in everyday life and particularly when I was working in close proximity with my learner drivers. Sometimes I would feel so ‘tuned-in’ and ‘connected’ with them and the environment, that the events that occurred during a typical driving lesson would be so easy, flowing and predictable. I felt so relaxed and ‘at one’ with everyone and everything, a feeling so blissful it was just like floating. Other days however, I could wake up feeling anxious and unsettled (for no obvious reason) and find it difficult to focus on the simplest of tasks – let alone interact with anyone. It was like I could feel the anxiousness and tension of my learners as if they were my own emotions and could often sense when a stressful or negative moment would occur during a lesson by how anxious I was feeling. I began to think to myself: “Am I psychic? Or does my mood and emotional state influence what plays out in the world around me?” This period of my life proved to be both amazing and confusing all at the same time. Researching online helped me to discover my experiences matched what many referred to as being an empath.
This is someone with the ability to deeply ‘tune-in’ to the environment and people around them. Understanding this empathic nature was wonderful because it gave me a reason to explain the way I was feeling. A short time later, me and a close friend (who had recently lost his mother) decided to attend a clairvoyant event as he very much wanted to receive a message from her. The information that came through was of great comfort to my friend and described specific details that only he could know. It provided much evidence that we really do ‘go on’ after death and are so much more than just a body. About a year later I had my own psychic reading in which the clairvoyant was able to describe my childhood, upbringing, and parent’s spiritual beliefs perfectly. She said I had always been ‘open’ as a child but growing up had led to me forgetting about my spiritual connection. It also revealed that I was a natural healer and could pursue this path to be able to help many people. I walked away feeling positively elated and comforted that there were like-minded people out there that understood how I felt and felt the same way. The prospect of becoming a healer felt so right to me and it opened a new path that was exciting.
Following my inner guidance, I decided to become attuned to a very powerful healing modality known as Rahanni Celestial Healing and started offering healing to my family and friends. I also continued exploring many other spiritual areas including using crystals, tarot cards and past-life regression techniques. It was then that I came across the work of Delores Cannon, a world-renowned hypnotherapist and past-life regressionist who had developed her own method, ‘Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique’ (QHHT) during which her clients were able to connect to their Higher Self, experience past lives and gain wisdom and healing for the issues that were affecting their current life. This inspired me to train in Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) which is based on QHHT.
Becoming a practitioner in both Rahanni and BQH led me to the point where I was ready to set up my own spiritual practice ‘My Soul Connection’ and began to offer healing sessions to clients of my own. After a few years I then felt the calling to re-introduce driver training services and offer a new meditation-based driving service- Mindful Driving as well as standard, learner and advanced driving. ‘My Soul Connection’ then evolved to become ‘MSC Drive’.

I can see now how my life has been one big journey and how each experience from childhood to now has been pivotal to my ‘remembering’ what it was that my soul wanted to achieve in this lifetime. I now believe I understand the answer to the question I once asked myself as a child. “Why are we here and what really is the point of any of this?” The answer: For the learning and experience of all the wonderful things that life on this planet can teach us. The ‘good’ and ‘bad’ are all valuable learning experiences to benefit our soul’s overall wisdom and growth.
I wish you all the best on your journey through life. Many thanks for sharing in mine!