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Who and what we are
First and foremost, we are infinite, multidimensional, energetic beings here to gain an understanding of what it is like to be a human being. We are a spirit having a human experience inside of a physical body and our aim is to learn and experience as much as possible during our time here in this “adventure playground” we call Earth. In essence, our physical body is a vehicle for our spirit to ride alongside in. And, just like a car, eventually our body wears out and is of no use anymore. Our true spirit-self however, which is made up of pure energy, is infinite, can never die and at the end of each lifetime will just simply change and transition into something new. Life on Earth is all about learning and experiencing duality; light and dark, positive and negative, good and bad, and all experiences are equally important for our soul’s learning and growth. As humans we require the full spectrum to fully see and understand the whole picture. Being a human on Earth gives us great learning opportunities as the experiences we face here are often both ends of the scale and everything in between! In order to benefit from a whole range of experiences we may choose to have many lifetimes, each having certain goals, experiences or specific souls to meet and play-out a role in each other’s life.

Our origins, spiritual connection, angels and guides

Our first spark of life and highest spiritual aspects like our oversoul and higher self all originate from the ultimate creator energy which you might call ‘Source’, ‘God’ or whatever term matches your belief system. You can imagine your oversoul being a bit like a diamond with all its facets being the separate lives we might live as a soul, with all of them connecting and influencing each other. In every incarnation our higher self is there to guide and assist us in that lifetime by communicating messages through our subconscious via our thoughts, dreams, feelings and emotions. It understands everything about us, has knowledge and wisdom about all we’ve ever done in all lifetimes and can see the ‘big picture’ from outside of linear time that our everyday conscious mind doesn’t normally have access to. As well as our higher self and oversoul we are also guided by many other ‘higher dimensional beings’ there to assist us in our journey. You might refer to them as your ‘angels’, ‘spirit guides’, healing team or whatever term you prefer. They are always there to help you when you need them. All you need to do is ask!
Time and reality

Studies in quantum mechanics suggest that time and reality may actually be illusionary concepts that help us to make sense of our world and give us a scale and environment in which to measure our human experiences on. Our limited human brain and five basic senses allow us to view and experience events in a logical-linear fashion, which we then consider to be our past, present, and future, however outside of consciousness, linear time does not exist and everything that has happened in the past or is going to happen in the future is actually occurring all at once in the ‘eternal now!’ As a human being, this multidimensional concept of experiencing everything all at once would be very confusing and difficult to get our heads around so having linear time, and viewing things as the past, present and future is a very useful and necessary way for us to manage, order and store our ‘past’ as memories and our ‘future’ as possible hopes, dreams and desired goals. We may not be consciously aware of it, but we are all natural creator beings, and our physical reality and experiences are constantly being created by each of us as we go along! Most of the time we feel like things are happening to us, but it is our own personal vibration and frequency- mirrored by our internal thoughts, feelings and beliefs that shift our conscious awareness into a reality that matches that same vibration and creates the physical reality, environment and the events that play out around us.